Why we're consulting

Under the Local Government Act, the council must develop a community vision and long-term planning documents to support the vision.

We are developing a new Wodonga 2050 vision to replace the Wodonga 2033 vision first developed in 2008 and updated and reviewed in 2015 and 2021.

The community vision is a community-led and informed document that outlines our aspirations for the future of the city.

It is a unique opportunity for you to become an active participant in crafting the future of our city.

During this consultation, we invite every member of our community to engage in events and conversations about what matters most to us.

We're embarking on a journey to:

  • Identify our community's strengths and assets;
  • Address our challenges and concerns;
  • Envision the future we want for ourselves and future generations; and,
  • Set clear goals and priorities for our community's growth and development.

Subscribe to receive email updates or join our special Facebook group Wodonga 2050.

How can you get involved?

Participating is simple and your voice is crucial. Here's how you can make a difference.

🗣 Take part in our Community Conversations: Share your thoughts and ideas with others at your sporting club, workplace or community organisation using our facilitation toolkit. Or attend one of our pop-up sessions in 2024.

📝 Make a submission: Write down your thoughts and ideas and send it in via our website.

💬 Connect Online: Follow our social media channels and join the online discussion forums to engage and stay updated on project developments.

Why participate?

Your involvement in the development of the community vision is a chance to:

✅ Shape the future of our community;
✅ Strengthen community bonds and collaboration;
✅ Ensure your voice is heard and valued;
✅ Contribute to a more vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community; and,
✅ Leave a legacy for generations to come.


Stages of community engagement

  • Stage 5 - Wodonga 2050 Adopted

    November - December 2024

Project updates