What happened?

The council undertook a codesign process to work with the community to design the way in which we will undertake engagement to build community ownership and leadership early in the process.

There were two formal sessions, facilitated by an independent consultant from MosiacLab, an experienced team of facilitators and engagement practitioners specialising in high influence and deliberative engagement.

A range of community and stakeholder members representing a mix of backgrounds and interests were invited to participate including Gateway Health, North East Water, Albury Wodonga Ethnic Communities Council, Sport and Recreation Victoria, Wodonga Federation of Government Schools, the council’s access committee as well as council staff.

Staff engaged with councillors and different stakeholders to have input into the process.

The draft plan brings together elements discussed including the remit, scope, level of influence, audiences and an engagement roadmap.

The engagement roadmap sets out the stages with a high-level overview of the activities that are part of each stage and the stages over the next 12 to 15 months with multiple opportunities for community members to help shape the future vision.

What were the workshop outcomes?

Through the codesign process, a Strategic Engagement Plan was developed for the process which outlined the following areas.

  • Context
  • Remit
  • Success measures
  • Scope
  • Level of influence
  • People we want to engage
  • Engagement roadmap

The Strategic Engagement Plan can be read here.

What's next?

Council staff will use the Strategic Engagement Plan to develop and implement each stage of engagement for the development of the Wodonga 2050 Community Vision.

Stage 2 - Wodonga 2050 Launch will be held in November 2023.

A Wodonga 2050 Community Conversation Toolkit will also be made available at this time for community groups, organisations and workplaces to faciliate their own Community Conversations.

The new community vision will inform the development of the next four-year Council Plan in 2025.