Wodonga Council invites you to be part of the Community Vision Deliberative Panel.

We are developing a new Wodonga 2050 vision to replace the Wodonga 2033 vision first developed in 2008 and updated and reviewed in 2015 and 2021.

We're embarking on a journey to:

Identify our community's strengths and assets;
Address our challenges and concerns;
Envision the future we want for ourselves and future generations; and,
Set clear goals and priorities for our community's growth and development.

During this stage of consultation, we are inviting members of our community to participate in a deliberative panel and join conversations about what matters most to us.

The panel will develop the community vision document and present the vision and priorities to the Council.

The vision document will inform the development of the Council Plan 2025-2028 and other council documents into the future.

The Deliberative Panel will be made up of around 40 people from the Wodonga area, independently recruited in a random-selection process to ensure there is a cross-section of people working together to develop the vision. This process allows us to share and learn from each other to create a vision that does not leave anyone behind.

Meals and beverages will be provided during the sessions and panel members will be paid $500 for their participation in recognition of their time and commitment to attending all four meetings.

Selection will be managed by an independent organisation, Deliberately Engaging Pty Ltd. Your contact details will not be provided to the Wodonga Council unless you are selected to be a member of the panel.

If you have any questions or need assistance to register, please contact Nivek Thompson from Deliberately Engaging on 0472 761 324 or email info@deliberatelyengaging.com.au

Your involvement in the development of the community vision is a chance to:

Shape the future of our community;

Strengthen community bonds and collaboration;

Ensure your voice is heard and valued;

Contribute to a more vibrant, inclusive, and resilient community; and,

Leave a legacy for generations to come.

Participating in the development of the vision document is a unique opportunity for you to become an active participant in crafting the future of our city.

This process allows us to share and learn from each other to create a vision that does not leave anyone behind.

Participants will be asked to attend four sessions on the following dates.

  • Sunday, September 1, 10am to 1pm
  • Saturday, September 7, 10am to 4pm
  • Saturday, September 14, 10am to 4pm
  • Sunday, September 15, 10am to 4pm

Sessions will be held at Wodonga Council offices, 104 Hovell St, Wodonga.

Meals and beverages will be provided and panel members will be paid $500 for their participation in recognition of their time and commitment to attending all four meetings.

The Deliberative Panel will be made up of around 40 people from the Wodonga area, independently recruited in a random-selection process to ensure there are a cross-section of people working together to develop the vision.

This is a ‘deliberative’ community engagement process, which means the panel will:

  • Discuss the issues, challenges and opportunities in depth
  • Hear the broader community’s response to the question ‘How do we make Wodonga an even better place to live for all?’ received in stages 2 and 3 of this project
  • Consider a wider range of information and hear from expert speakers

Expert facilitators will support panel members with different viewpoints to work together in a respectful manner and come to a shared position on our community's strengths and assets,challenges and concerns, and set clear goals and priorities for our community's growth and development. It will not be a public meeting format where loud voices can sometimes dominate.

The Deliberative Panel will be made up of around 40 people from the Wodonga area, independently recruited in a random-selection process to ensure there is a cross-section of people working together to develop the vision.

Elected representatives from any level of government, paid employees of any political party, Wodonga Council employees, current councillors and their immediate family members, and former councillors from the last two terms of council are not eligible to register to be part of this Panel.

Panel members will be paid $500 for their participation in recognition of their time and commitment to attending all four meetings.

Meals and beverages will be provided during the sessions.

Are you interested? Register now

If you are interested in being a part of this process, complete the registration form by midnight Wednesday, August 7, 2024.