In accordance with a resolution of Wodonga Council made at its February meeting, notice is given that, at its meeting to be held no later than on May 20, 2024, it is council’s intention to declare a Special Charge under section
163(1) of the Local Government 1989 (the Act) for the purposes of defraying the cost of
preparing a Development Plan for the Valley Views Estate (the Estate).
The Special Charge is to be declared, and will remain in force, for the period commencing on July 1, 2024 and ending on June 30, 2026. During the period of the Special Charge Scheme (Scheme) a total amount of $385,000 is expected to be levied.
The properties in relation to which the Scheme is to be declared are all the properties within the Estate (being those properties within an area delineated in a plan attached to the relevant Report considered at the February 19, 2024 meeting, which Report and plan can be seen on Council’s website or can be inspected at Council’s office).
The Special Charge will be assessed and levied on the basis of $0.23 cents per square metre of the area of each property.
Copies of the proposed declaration of the Special Charge and a plan of the Scheme area are available here or can be inspected at Council’s Office, 104 Hovell Street, Wodonga, during normal business hours before 5pm Friday, March 22, 2024.
Any person may make a submission to Council under sections 163A and 223 of the Act.
In addition, any person who will be required to pay the Special Charge to be imposed by the proposed declaration, whether an owner or an occupier of a property included in the Scheme, has the right to object to the proposed declaration, and may also make a written objection to the Council under 163B of the Act. An occupier is entitled to exercise the right of objection if they submit documentary evidence with the objection which shows that it is a condition of the lease under which the person is an occupier that the occupier is to pay the Special Charge.
Council will consider any written submissions and take into account any objections in accordance with sections 163A, 163B and 223 of the Act.
Any person requiring further information concerning the proposed declaration of the Special Charge or the Scheme should, in the first instance, contact Leon Schultz, Director Infrastructure on (02) 6022 9255 or
How to have your say
Written submissions to be submitted to Council under section 223 of the Act and/or written objections to be lodged with Council under section 163B of the Act must be received by Council by 5pm Friday, March 22, 2024.
Submissions and/or objections must be in writing and addressed and sent by mail to –
- Complete the online form below
- Email:
- Post: Director Infrastructure, Wodonga City Council, PO Box 923, Wodonga, VIC 3689
- Hand-deliver to Director Infrastructure, 104 Hovell Street, WODONGA VIC 3690
Any person who has made a written submission under section 223 of the Act and has requested to be heard in support of their written submission is entitled to appear in person or to be represented by a person specified in the submission before the Council (or a Committee of Council appointed by Council) under section 223 of the Act, the day, time and place of which will be advised in writing.
Any person making a written submission under section 223 of the Act is advised that Council is not required to make available for public inspection submissions received in accordance with section 223 of the Act. Accordingly, all submissions and personal information in submissions will be handled as authorised or required by law, including under the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.