The Community Engagement Policy outlines the council’s commitment to engaging and consulting its community through appropriate, timely, effective and inclusive practices.

The council is committed to the principles outlined in the policy.

  1. Each process will have a clearly defined and communicated objective and scope
  2. The community will have access to objective, relevant and timely information
  3. Participants will be representative of the persons and groups affected
  4. The community will receive reasonable and effective support to enable meaningful and informed engagement
  5. Each community engagement process details at the outset the ways in which the feedback will influence council decision-making.
  6. Outcomes following the engagement process will be reported back to the community.

Levels of community influence

As per the fifth principle, each community engagement process details at the outset the ways in which the feedback will influence council decision-making. Learn more about the three levels of community influence below.

Seek and receive the views of community members on issues that directly affect them or in which they may have a significant interest.

Learn from community members and receive feedback to influence the development and evaluation of policies, programs and services

Joint learning, decision-making and actions between the council and community members