
Special charge will not be implemented

16 April 2024

Following the council resolution made on February 19, 2024, a Public Notice was placed in the Border Mail on Saturday, 24 February 2024 seeking feedback and submissions in respect to the proposed declaration of a special charge scheme over the residential development of Valley Views Estate. The period within which to make a submission closed at 5pm on Friday, March 22, 2024.

During the submission period, 27 objections to the proposal were received by the closing time and date, representing an objection rate of almost 63%. Most of the residents of the Estate are opposed to the proposed special charge scheme to defray the costs of preparing a Development Plan for the Valley Views Estate.

At its meeting on Monday, April 15, council resolved that:

  1. That council note the verbal submissions from Rod Dudley and Wendi and Andrew McAdie, who requested to be heard in support of their written submissions;
  2. Having followed the processes and procedures as set out at Section 163, 163A and 223 of the Local Government Act, 1989, and having received objections from the majority of the property owners within the Valley Views Estate, the Council resolves that it cannot make a declaration to implement a special charge scheme over the Estate to defray the costs associated with the preparation and submission of a Development Plan as required under Development Plan Overlay, Schedule 18 of the Wodonga Planning Scheme;
  3. The Chief Executive Officer formally communicates the outcome of this process and the resolution of the Council, including the reasons for it, to the section 223 submitters, and other property owners of the Valley Views Estate; and
  4. The Council will only reconsider this matter once a Development Plan has been prepared by the property owners of the Valley Views Estate which meets the requirements of the Wodonga Planning Scheme, specifically Development Plan Overlay, Schedule 18, and is submitted to the Council for consideration and approval.

In summary, a special charge scheme over the Estate to defray the costs associated with the preparation and submission of a Development Plan will not be implemented.