Why we're consulting

The Victorian State Government is investing in early childhood education with the Best Start, Best Life reform.

This project will review the capacity of current kindergarten services and facilities to ensure Council can support the incoming reforms which will see an increase to the availability of funded kindergarten for children in the two years before school.

Your feedback will help ensure our services are able to meet the increase in demand and facilities are fit-for-purpose.

Ways to have your say

This consultation is open from Wednesday, July 17 to 5pm Tuesday, August 6, 2024.

Anyone who lives, works, studies or invests in Wodonga or visits the municipality and uses the facilities, is invited to review the information provided, ask questions and provide feedback during this time.

Ways to provide feedback

Background information

The Victorian State Government is investing in early childhood education with the Best Start, Best Life reform.

This initiative aims to provide 15 hours of kindergarten per week to every 3-year-old and 30 hours per week to every child in the year before school over a staged rollout.

The reforms are in the early stages, with full implementation expected over the next decade.

To support these reforms, the government has developed and revised place-based Kindergarten Infrastructure and Services Plans (KISP) to assess local capacity for program expansion.

Wodonga has many stand-alone kindergartens and long daycare providers. The differences between these services are:

  • Service focus
  • Hours of Operation
  • Hour and day flexibility
  • Funding and subsidies – standalones provide set funded hours with long daycare provider able to offer increased hours and care outside of the subsidy arrangement.

The goal of this project is to enable local early childhood education providers in Wodonga to collaborate, ensuring every eligible child has access to two years of quality kindergarten education, fostering a positive start to lifelong learning