
Playground design finalised

5 May 2023

Earlier this year we sought the community’s feedback and input into the design for the Castle Heights playground renewal.

Thank you for expressing an interest in Castle Heights playground and providing your feedback. You can read what everyone had to say in our Community Engagement Snapshot.

Since hearing from you, we have finalised the playground design and are putting things in place for works to take commence later in the year.

What has been included in the final design?

Based on feedback from the community, Multiplay Unit - Option 2 and Senior Play Area - Option 1 have been selected.

We adjusted the design of the multiplay unit to accommodate a smaller platform to provide easier access for younger children to the slide.

We will also be retaining the existing springer and the seesaw to keep a greater variety of play elements in the space.

In addition to the play areas, the following items have been incorporated into the park upgrade:

  • Two additional bins with dog bags to be installed, one near the playground the other in the lower open space
  • Shade will be installed over the multiplay unit
  • A shelter with table and chairs will be constructed and additional bench seat installed near the basketball area
  • Connecting pathways joining the paths at the east and west perimeter has been added to the infrastructure schedule of works. A central path connecting the foot path, multiplay and senior area will also be added.

While we are unable to include everything that was suggested as part of this project, there will be consideration given to additional upgrades into the future.

Feedback regarding natural elements and landscaping in the reserve has been shared with the outdoor team who will review your suggestions as part of their annual program of works.

We will also monitor usage of the park following the playground upgrade to further consider the need for a barbeque, bubblers and toilets and how we might overcome the challenges in establishing power and water meters.

Images of playground design

Next steps

Works to install the new Castle Heights playground are scheduled to take place in September 2023.

You will notice temporary fencing and signage at the playground closer to the commencement of works.

Thank you for your feedback and having a say in how we play.

Click here to read frequently asked questions on playgrounds on our website which answers some of the questions raised during the consultation.

If you have any further questions, please contact our Sport and Recreation team on (02) 6022 9292.