Why we're consulting

At its meeting of February 20, 2023, Wodonga City Council (Council) resolved to give public notice under Section 115 of the Local Government Act 2020 (Act) that it intends to enter into a lease with Amplitel Pty Limited for part of the land described below (Proposal) for the purpose of a telecommunication facility

The key terms of the lease are:

  • Rental charge of $8000 per annum for the first year. The rent payable is indexed year on year by 2.5 per cent;
  • The term of the lease is 20 years; and,
  • Council must not sell the Land (other than by public auction) without first notifying Amplitel of the terms and price at which the lessor is prepared to sell and giving Amplitel the opportunity to buy the land on those terms and at that price.

The council will review the feedback from the community to guide decision-making as we review the proposed lease.

Further information regarding the proposal may be obtained from Council’s Team Leader Property and Community Facilities, April Lampe on (02) 6022 9300

Aerial and site plan

Background information

The parcel of land which is subject of the Proposal is the land outlined in ‘red’ on the plan below, being the land contained in Certificate of Title Volume 09943 Folio 605 located at Hereford Street, Wodonga VIC 3690.

The council has been approached by Acquirecomm on behalf of Amplitel Pty Limited, with a request that council consider leasing land to them in the vicinity of James Eames Frontage for a new telecommunication facility.

This new facility is required to improve digital mobile telephone coverage around the South Wodonga area. The explosion in demand, particularly that driven by wireless broadband and smart phones, means that many more base stations are needed and in order to be effective these base stations must be in the middle of the location they are designed to serve. Amplitel are seeking to provide depth of coverage to the residential area surrounding Martin Park, including the nearby commercial area.

Under relevant standards and industry codes, Telecommunication providers are required to undertake considerable exploration of alternative locations. Several locations were investigated and found to be unsuitable. The Martin Park sports ground was the preferred location, however, the proposed location did not align with the Martin Park Masterplan 2015. Amplitel put forward a new proposal relating to land west of Martin Park which is located between the sporting reserve and Willow Park. The facility (including the equipment shelters) would be located in a section of underutilised public open space, among a stand of mature trees located along House Creek.

The proposal is seeking to use and develop a portion of the site for a telecommunications facility including:

  • The construction of a 25m high concrete monopole with triangular headframe;
  • 2.35m high compound security fence with 3.0m wide double access gates around the leased area (approximately 100sqm); and,
  • The construction of an equipment shelter (2.30m x 2.37m).

The proposal is subject to Amplitel submitting and getting a planning permit approved in accordance with the Wodonga Planning Scheme.

Document Library

Ways to have your say

A person may make a submission on the Proposal. Any person proposing to make a submission under Section 115 of the Act must do so by 5pm on Sunday, March 19.

All submissions will be considered in accordance with Section 115 of the Act.

In line with our Community Engagement Policy, any person may make a formal or informal submission on this matter.

A formal submission must include your name, address and contact details. You can use the online form or Formal Submission Template document available on our website.

Formal submissions are published in full in the council report, excluding personal details.

Written submissions must be clearly marked as "Proposed Lease – Amplitel Pty Limited"

Ways to provide feedback for consideration: