This is covered under item 46 of the current Local Law, Signs, Goods and Furniture.

Display and sale of goods, display of signage and advertising and placement of umbrellas, tables and chairs or other items, and the set-up of stalls or street carts on any road or municipal place is not permitted without a permit.

A person without a permit will be asked to move or remove the items and must do so. Failure to comply may result in an infringement and penalty being issued.

Any permit to undertake these activities may include instructions to adhere to relevant legislation separate to the Local Law. Further details can be found in the Standards and Guidelines.

Currently all of these activities require a council permit.

Should specific activities be deregulated or should more stringent conditions and regulations be implemented to manage mobile street trading in the municipality?

  1. Should council review the current standards and guidelines for street trading?
  2. Deregulate specific activities or apply more stringent conditions and regulations to manage mobile street trading in the municipality.