
Martin Park Master Plan adopted

22 May 2024

Wodonga Council presented the Draft Martin Park Master Plan to the community for feedback between November 22 and December 12, 2023.

Since then, council officers have reviewed the feedback recieved and refined the master plan document.

One written submission was received during the exhibition period, which was a detailed response from the Wodonga Saints Football & Netball Club (WSFNC). Some key themes of this feedback are detailed below.

  • Location of netball court and supporting amenities: the club again raised their desire to have a netball court located next to Les Cheesley Oval. This direction was not supported by the master plan, with the available spaces considered constrained and not viable for reasons including:
    • The need to relocate existing features (such as playground);
    • The negative impact on car parking and traffic flow within the site; o Lack of necessary ancillary facilities for match and training (change rooms, shelters, lighting etc) and compliant court run-off;
    • Potential impact on existing services and pedestrian access (footpath);
    • Proximity to existing residential dwellings.
  • Equitable facilities for all user groups: the club raised concerns that the master plan does not adequately seek to provide equitable facilities for all tenants of Martin Park.
    • The masterplan recognises a significant investment in Martin Park has been completed in recent years (with over $1.36 million spent or committed since 2021/22).
    • The majority of these works have been to improve the facilities at Les Cheesley Oval, with WSFNC the greatest beneficiary.
    • A consolidated, sustainable approach is required for facilities at Martin Park, one that looks at city wide supply of facilities and seeks to avoid duplication.
  • Minor data and suggested wording changes: A range of minor wording changes were made to the final plan based off the feedback of WSFNC.
  • Relocation to Baranduda Fields: The AFL facility at Baranduda Fields is to be used for new and expanding programs, and as an overflow venue for council to use when facilities in town are unavailable. The are no immediate plans to relocate any existing Australian rules club to this site.

The full Engagement Snapshot is avalable here.

The updated master plan was presented to the council at it's meeting on Monday, May 20, 2024.

The Martin Park Master Plan has been adopted.

The Martin Park Master Plan is now available on Wodonga Council's website here.