Why we're consulting

The Council Plan 2021-2025 is the council’s key strategic document to guide decision-making and resource allocation over the four years of the council term.

Ahead of year three of the plan, it is appropriate to review and update the plan internally and with the community in line with any changes or actions that have occurred in the previous 12 months.

Background information

The Wodonga Council Plan 2021-2025 is the council’s key strategic document to guide decision-making and resource allocation over the next four years. It describes the outcomes the council seeks to achieve, outlines how it will achieve these and sets out how it will measure success. It is a requirement under the Local Government Act 2020 (the Act).

The Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plan is integrated in the Council Plan due to the inherent role council plays in fostering community wellbeing. This is supported by the Health and Wellbeing Outcomes and Evaluation Framework.

The plan is designed to:

  • Cover the current council four-year term (2021-2025);
  • Build on previous work undertaken through the Council Plan 2017-2021;
  • Outline strategic direction to deliver on the Wodonga 2033 community vision;
  • Direct organisational decision making and resource allocation; and,
  • Be transparent and accountable to ratepayers and community.

The plan is implemented through annual business plans and the annual budget, where the council makes funding decisions on specific projects and initiatives to achieve the strategic outcomes.

Performance against the Council Plan is measured regularly and reported through a six monthly update and the annual report. Annual evaluation will include an annual review of the public health and wellbeing matters contained in this strategic plan and the supporting framework.

Ahead of year three of the plan, the document has been updated to reflect personnel changes, updates to strategies, plans and projects as well as fixing typographical errors.

Read the Draft Council Plan - Adjusted 2023 here. Significant changes to the actions and projects are detailed in red.

Document Library

Ways to have your say

Ways to have your say

This consultation is open from Wednesday, May 17 to Wednesday, June 7.

Anyone who lives, works, studies or invests in Wodonga or visits the municipality and uses the facilities, is invited to review the information provided, ask questions and provide feedback during this time.

Ways to provide feedback

  • Complete the online submission form below.
  • Email: makewodongayours@wodonga.vic.gov.au
  • Phone: (02) 6022 9300